Getting started with nxt-color-picker


Import color picker module

Include it in HTML template

Configuration options

InputTypeDefault valueDescription

The color to show in the color picker dialog


Use this option to set color picker dialog width


Use this option to force color picker dialog height


Sets the default open / close state of the color picker


Disables opening of the color picker dialog via toggle


Dialog color mode


Enables CMYK input format and color change event


Output color format


Alpha channel mode


Used when the color is not well-formed or is undefined

[position]DialogPosition | DialogPosition[]

Dialog position


Dialog offset percentage relative to the directive element

[presetLabel]boolean | stringtrue

Show label for preset colors

If string is given, it overrides the default label.


Array of preset colors to show in the color picker dialog


Disables / hides the color input field from the dialog


Dialog positioning mode


Array of HTML elements that will be ignored when clicked


Save currently selected color when user clicks outside


Close the color picker dialog when user clicks outside


Show an OK / Apply button which saves the color


Show a Cancel / Reset button which resets the color


Show buttons to add / remove preset colors


Use this option to set the max colors allowed in presets


Create dialog component in the root view container

Note: The root component needs to have public viewContainerRef.


Current color value, emit when dialog is isOpen


Current color value, emit when dialog is closed


Input name and its value, emit when user changes color through inputs


Status of the dialog, emit when dialog is isOpen / closed


Slider name and current color, emit when slider dragging starts


Slider name and its value, emit when user changes color through slider


Slider name and current color, emit when slider dragging ends


Color select canceled, emit when Cancel button is pressed


Selected color value, emit when OK button pressed or user clicks outside (if saveClickOutside is true)


Changed color value, emit when color changes


Outputs the color as CMYK string if CMYK is enabled


Preset colors, emit when preset color is added / removed