Getting started with nxt-color-picker
Import color picker module
Include it in HTML template
Configuration options
Input | Type | Default value | Description |
[nxtColor] | string | undefined | The color to show in the color picker dialog |
[width] | string | '230px' | Use this option to set color picker dialog width |
[height] | string | 'auto' | Use this option to force color picker dialog height |
[toggle] | boolean | false | Sets the default open / close state of the color picker |
[disabled] | boolean | false | Disables opening of the color picker dialog via toggle |
[mode] | ColorMode | 'color' | Dialog color mode |
[cmykEnabled] | boolean | false | Enables CMYK input format and color change event |
[outputFormat] | OutputFormat | | Output color format |
[alphaChannel] | AlphaChannel | AlphaChannelEnum.enabled | Alpha channel mode |
[fallbackColor] | string | undefined | Used when the color is not well-formed or is undefined |
[position] | DialogPosition | DialogPosition[] | | Dialog position |
[positionOffset] | number | 0 | Dialog offset percentage relative to the directive element |
[presetLabel] | boolean | string | true | Show label for preset colors If string is given, it overrides the default label. |
[presetColors] | string[] | undefined | Array of preset colors to show in the color picker dialog |
[disableInput] | boolean | false | Disables / hides the color input field from the dialog |
[dialogDisplay] | DialogDisplay | DialogDisplayEnum.popup | Dialog positioning mode |
[ignoredElements] | any[] | undefined | Array of HTML elements that will be ignored when clicked |
[saveClickOutside] | boolean | true | Save currently selected color when user clicks outside |
[closeClickOutside] | boolean | true | Close the color picker dialog when user clicks outside |
[okButton] | boolean | false | Show an OK / Apply button which saves the color |
[cancelButton] | boolean | false | Show a Cancel / Reset button which resets the color |
[presetColorsEditable] | boolean | false | Show buttons to add / remove preset colors |
[maxPresetColors] | number | undefined | Use this option to set the max colors allowed in presets |
[useRootViewContainer] | boolean | false | Create dialog component in the root view container Note: The root component needs to have public viewContainerRef. |
Output | Type | Description |
(open) | string | Current color value, emit when dialog is isOpen |
(close) | string | Current color value, emit when dialog is closed |
(inputChange) | InputChangeEvent | Input name and its value, emit when user changes color through inputs |
(toggleChange) | boolean | Status of the dialog, emit when dialog is isOpen / closed |
(sliderDragStart) | SliderChangeEvent | Slider name and current color, emit when slider dragging starts |
(sliderChange) | SliderChangeEvent | Slider name and its value, emit when user changes color through slider |
(sliderDragEnd) | SliderChangeEvent | Slider name and current color, emit when slider dragging ends |
(colorSelect) | string | Color select canceled, emit when Cancel button is pressed |
(colorSelectCancel) | void | Selected color value, emit when OK button pressed or user clicks outside (if saveClickOutside is true) |
(nxtColorChange) | string | Changed color value, emit when color changes |
(cmykColorChange) | string | Outputs the color as CMYK string if CMYK is enabled |
(presetColorsChange) | string[] | Preset colors, emit when preset color is added / removed |