Getting started with nxt-pick-datetime


npm install --save nxt-pick-datetime

Import main module and DateTime adapter provider

The date & time picker was built to be date implementation agnostic. It comes with two modules providing date adapter implementation, or you can provide your own adapter by implementing DateTimeAdapter (see documentation).

  • NativeDateTimeModule - support for native JavaScript Date object
  • MomentDateTimeModule - support for MomentJs
import { DateTimeModule } from 'nxt-pick-datetime'
import { NativeDateTimeModule } from 'nxt-pick-datetime/native-adapter'

    imports: [

Use it in a template

<input [nxtDateTime]="picker"
    placeholder="Date and time">
<nxt-date-time #picker></nxt-date-time>

Configuration options


InputTypeDefault valueDescription

When true, shows a timer to configure the seconds value


When true, the timer will be in 12-hour format mode


The view that the calendar should start on


Hours to change per step


Minutes to change per step


Seconds to change per step

[backdropClass]string | string[]undefined

Custom class for the picker backdrop

[panelClass]string | string[]undefined

Custom class for the picker overlay pane


Set the first day of week

Valid values are from 0 [Sunday] to 6 [Saturday]


If true, don't show dates from preious / next month on the calendar month view


The date to show when picker opens

Defaults to selected date (if available) or current date.


Set the type of the dateTime picker

  • 'both' - show both calendar and timer
  • 'calendar' - show only calendar
  • 'timer' - show only timer

The style the picker would open as

  • 'popup' - display picker attached to the trigger element
  • 'dialog' - display picker as a dialog

Whether the date time picker should be disabled


Whether the calendar is open


The scroll strategy when the picker is open (see CDK documentation)


Callback when the picker is opened


Callback when the picker is closed


Emits selected year in multi-year view

This doesn't imply a change on the selected date.


Emits selected month in year view

This doesn't imply a change on the selected date.


Emits when picker open state changes


InputTypeDefault valueDescription

The date & time picker this input is associated with


A function to filter available date & time


Whether the date & time picker input is disabled


The minimum valid date


The maximum valid date


The picker select mode

  • 'single' - select a single date
  • 'range' - select a range [from, to]
  • 'rangeFrom' - an open range with a fixed start date
  • 'rangeTo' - an open range with a fixed end date

The character to separate the 'from' and 'to' in input value


Callback to invoke when change event is fired on this <input>


Callback to invoke when an input event is fired on this <input>.


InputTypeDefault valueDescription


InputTypeDefault valueDescription

When true, shows a timer to configure the seconds value


When true, the timer will be in 12-hour format mode


The view that the calendar should start on


Set the type of the dateTime picker

  • 'both' - show both calendar and timer
  • 'calendar' - show only calendar
  • 'timer' - show only timer

Hours to change per step


Minutes to change per step


Seconds to change per step


Whether the date time picker should be disabled


Set the first day of week

Valid values are from 0 [Sunday] to 6 [Saturday]


If true, don't show dates from preious / next month on the calendar month view


The picker select mode

  • 'single' - select a single date
  • 'range' - select a range [from, to]
  • 'rangeFrom' - an open range with a fixed start date
  • 'rangeTo' - an open range with a fixed end date

The date to show when picker opens

Defaults to selected date (if available) or current date.


A function to filter available date & time


The minimum valid date


The maximum valid date


Emits selected year in multi-year view

This doesn't imply a change on the selected date.


Emits selected month in year view

This doesn't imply a change on the selected date.