Getting started with nxt-pick-datetime
npm install --save nxt-pick-datetime
Import main module and DateTime adapter provider
The date & time picker was built to be date implementation agnostic. It comes with two modules providing date adapter implementation, or you can provide your own adapter by implementing DateTimeAdapter
(see documentation).
- support for native JavaScript Date objectMomentDateTimeModule
- support for MomentJs
import { DateTimeModule } from 'nxt-pick-datetime'
import { NativeDateTimeModule } from 'nxt-pick-datetime/native-adapter'
imports: [
Use it in a template
<input [nxtDateTime]="picker"
placeholder="Date and time">
<nxt-date-time #picker></nxt-date-time>
Configuration options
Input | Type | Default value | Description |
[showSecondsTimer] | boolean | false | When true, shows a timer to configure the seconds value |
[hour12Timer] | boolean | false | When true, the timer will be in 12-hour format mode |
[startView] | ViewType | 'month' | The view that the calendar should start on |
[stepHour] | number | 1 | Hours to change per step |
[stepMinute] | number | 1 | Minutes to change per step |
[stepSecond] | number | 1 | Seconds to change per step |
[backdropClass] | string | string[] | undefined | Custom class for the picker backdrop |
[panelClass] | string | string[] | undefined | Custom class for the picker overlay pane |
[firstDayOfWeek] | number | 0 | Set the first day of week Valid values are from 0 [Sunday] to 6 [Saturday] |
[hideOtherMonths] | boolean | false | If true, don't show dates from preious / next month on the calendar month view |
[startAt] | T | undefined | The date to show when picker opens Defaults to selected date (if available) or current date. |
[pickerType] | PickerType | 'both' | Set the type of the dateTime picker
[pickerMode] | PickerMode | 'popup' | The style the picker would open as
[disabled] | boolean | false | Whether the date time picker should be disabled |
[isOpen] | boolean | false | Whether the calendar is open |
[scrollStrategy] | ScrollStrategy | BlockScrollStrategy | The scroll strategy when the picker is open (see CDK documentation) |
Output | Type | Description |
(open) | void | Callback when the picker is opened |
(close) | void | Callback when the picker is closed |
(yearSelected) | T | Emits selected year in multi-year view This doesn't imply a change on the selected date. |
(monthSelected) | T | Emits selected month in year view This doesn't imply a change on the selected date. |
(isOpenChange) | boolean | Emits when picker open state changes |
Input | Type | Default value | Description |
[nxtDateTime] | DateTimeComponent<T> | undefined | The date & time picker this input is associated with |
[dateTimeFilter] | DateFilter<T> | undefined | A function to filter available date & time |
[disabled] | boolean | false | Whether the date & time picker input is disabled |
[min] | T | undefined | The minimum valid date |
[max] | T | undefined | The maximum valid date |
[selectMode] | SelectMode | 'single' | The picker select mode
[rangeSeparator] | string | '~' | The character to separate the 'from' and 'to' in input value |
[value] | T | undefined | |
[values] | Array<T> | undefined |
Output | Type | Description |
(dateTimeChange) | DateTimeInputEvent<T> | Callback to invoke when |
(dateTimeInput) | DateTimeInputEvent<T> | Callback to invoke when an |
Input | Type | Default value | Description |
[nxtDateTimeTrigger] | DateTimeComponent<T> | undefined | |
[disabled] | boolean | false |
Input | Type | Default value | Description |
[showSecondsTimer] | boolean | false | When true, shows a timer to configure the seconds value |
[hour12Timer] | boolean | false | When true, the timer will be in 12-hour format mode |
[startView] | ViewType | 'month' | The view that the calendar should start on |
[pickerType] | PickerType | 'both' | Set the type of the dateTime picker
[stepHour] | number | 1 | Hours to change per step |
[stepMinute] | number | 1 | Minutes to change per step |
[stepSecond] | number | 1 | Seconds to change per step |
[disabled] | boolean | false | Whether the date time picker should be disabled |
[firstDayOfWeek] | number | 0 | Set the first day of week Valid values are from 0 [Sunday] to 6 [Saturday] |
[hideOtherMonths] | boolean | false | If true, don't show dates from preious / next month on the calendar month view |
[selectMode] | SelectMode | 'single' | The picker select mode
[startAt] | T | undefined | The date to show when picker opens Defaults to selected date (if available) or current date. |
[dateTimeFilter] | DateFilter<T> | undefined | A function to filter available date & time |
[min] | T | undefined | The minimum valid date |
[max] | T | undefined | The maximum valid date |
[value] | T | undefined | |
[values] | Array<T> | undefined |
Output | Type | Description |
(yearSelected) | T | Emits selected year in multi-year view This doesn't imply a change on the selected date. |
(monthSelected) | T | Emits selected month in year view This doesn't imply a change on the selected date. |